
Games for Youth Groups1000 Games for Youth Groups

Jar and lid

Time: 5 min.
Recommended age: all ages
Size of group: it doesn't matter
Time for preparation: time to collect the material
Material: Jars with fitting screw on lids

Game description

To begin you will need a large box, in which you cut two holes on two sides, big enough for the kids hands to fit through. The game leader puts different size jars and their matching lids into the box. Now, place a child on each side of the box. On command, the hands go into the box, and each kid has to match jar and lid. If he can actually screw the jar shut, he may keep it as well.


The child who can find the most lids to the matching jar wins. You can make this a bit more difficult, by letting the kids use only one hand.

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Find the right lid for every jar and screw it on

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