
Games for Youth Groups1000 Games for Youth Groups

The egg timer bomb

Time: 5-15 min.
Recommended age: all ages
Size of group: it doesn't matter
Time for preparation: none
Material: Hourglass

Game description

In this game, it's about time. It takes only an egg timer and a small bag in which the clock is passed along. The team leader sets the egg timer to 1-2 minutes, puts it in a bag and then it has to be passed from kid to kid as quickly as possible. However, there is a challenge. The kid, holding the egg timer when it goes off has to leave the game.


Of course, you can change the rules of this game to suit the needs of the group. For example, the kid where the egg timer goes off receives a point. – However, they still have to pass it on as quickly as possible and not holding it in one’s hand, waiting for it to go off. This game is suited for the Easter holidays, where it all is about eggs. But you can just as well play it at school or children’s parties.

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Games for youth groups, children’s birthday party or community fete.

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