Catching one another in the snow labyrinth
Time: | approx. 20-40 min., depends on group-size |
Recommended age: | approx. from 8, if necessary adapt the rules |
Size of group: | 10 persons or more |
Time for preparation: | none |
Material: | None |
Game description
First, the youth worker is declared the designated “Maze Master.” He oversees the building of the maze before the actual game begins. This is done by drudging path ways in the snow. When that is done, all follow the “Maze Master” into the snow labyrinth. The maze should at least have half the size of a gym. Now it is time to choose one child who is the hunter. Before he is allowed to enter the maze he has to count to ten to give everybody else a head start. If, by accident, one of the children steps outside the maze he has to assume the role of the hunter instead.
There is no winner in this game
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