The leaky cup run
Time: | approx. 3 min., or extend the game |
Recommended age: | approx. from 10, or adapt the level of difficulty |
Size of group: | 10 persons or more |
Time for preparation: | none |
Material: | Plastic cups with holes, water, measuring cup |
Game description
Before the leaky cup starts, the players are divided into two teams. Each team receives a cup, which several holes. (The team leader will have to prepare that before the game). Both teams line up at the starting line and receive the leaky cup which gets filled up right before the start. The objective for each team now is to run as quickly as possible to the finishing line and pour the remaining water into a bucket. For this game, coordination and skill are equally important.
The winner is the fastest team; or the one with the most water in the cup.
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