Telephone tube
Time: | approx. 3 min., or extend the game |
Recommended age: | all ages, from 6, if necessary adapt the rules |
Size of group: | playable with a few teammates |
Time for preparation: | none |
Material: | Carpet rolls |
Game description
The game basically works on the model of Chinese whispers. The objective is to assemble several carpet rolls in a way so that they create a long telephone line. However, the line must be long enough to so that the kids cannot communicate with their normal voice. As soon as the two players are positioned, one at each end of the phone line, one of the players receives a piece of paper, containing a message. This could be one single word or an entire sentence. As soon as he has read the message, he says it into the line. The kid on the other side needs to say or write down what he has heard. Each correct transmitted message scores one point.
If you play that as a competition the kid who scores the most points wins.
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