Time: | approx. 5 min. |
Recommended age: | from 12 |
Size of group: | 3-4 persons |
Time for preparation: | none (only hold the material) + 5-10 minutes to train the sketch |
Material: | notebook |
Game description
Person 1 comes and introduces himself to the audience: „I have been a reporter for 12 years and in all of these years, I have never had a hot story. I am a failure. I am now going to kill myself by jumping over this bridge. One, two,..“. A passer-by comes along: „Halt, stop. Why do you want to jump?” “I am a failure!” Passer-by: “ I am a footballer but I haven’t scored a goal in over two years. I’ll jump with you! One, two,..!“ Another passer-by comes along: “Halt, stop. Why do you want to jump?“ Both of him tell him their stories. The passer-by: „And I am a teacher. I can’t stand children anymore. They make me crazy. I’ll jump as well! One. two,…” Another person comes along: “Halt, stop. Why do you want to jump?“ All of them tell him their stories. The last passer-by: „And I am a camp leader and I hate camping. I’ll jump as well.“ All of them stand on the railings and jump – except the reporter. He then says: „What a story. 3 people jump together into death!“, and runs away while writing his story in a notebook.
just for fun, or the fun wins
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