
Games for Youth Groups 1000 Games for Youth Groups

Box Bomber

Time: approx. 20-30 minutes
Recommended age: from 10
Size of group: 2 persons are playing against
Time for preparation: 1-2 minutes
Material: boxes, puck, scrub mop

Game description

2 players place a box over their heads. The boxes only have small slits cut in them so that the players can see. Like in housewife hockey, each player must try to shoot a puck in the opponents goal. Instead of using a scrub mop, the player can use his foot to shoot the puck (or balloon) in the goal. As the players have a restricted view, this game should not be too easy.


the team with the most goals wins

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2 players place a box over their heads. Like in housewife hockey, each player must try to shoot a puck in the opponents goal.

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