
Games for Youth Groups 1000 Games for Youth Groups

At the barbers

Time: approx. 5-15 minutes
Recommended age: from 12
Size of group: 5 performers
Time for preparation: none, only 10-15 minutes to train the sketch
Material: chairs, whipped cream, rope, large wooden knife, board (3 holes in a wooden plank), tassel

Game description

3 customers sit on three stools. The “shortest” of the three sits in the middle. All three are locked into the stocks (heads through the 3 holes in a wooden plank). A rope is held between the teeth of all 3. The barber pulls on the rope and the 3 customers turn one side of their face towards the barber who begins to foam up their faces with shaving foam (whipped cream). Followed by the other side of the face (don’t forget the rope). The barber then grabs a large knife (wood/plastic) and wants to start shaving. Someone shouts “fire, fire!” The three customers jump up and run away. The little one in the middle cannot reach the ground with his feet and has to pull himself up on the board.


No scoring is required for the sketch

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3 customers sit on three stools. The shortest of the three sits in the middle. All three are locked into the stocks (heads through the 3 holes in a wooden plank).

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